Can we forget February? Not been the best month for this blog by any means, but other important
things have been imposing on my time and attention.
Apologies, and thanks for sticking with us. Hopefully we'll have this sorted out before too long and we'll be back to business as usual.
March sees plenty of activity across French music world, with some excellent new releases and live activity.
Personally I'm waiting with impatience for the next release by Damien Saez, due out on March 10.
Three new tracks have already emerged, Bonnie, Rue d'la soif and an out take Château de brume. His tour gets under way this month, following his shows at the Bataclan in December last year.
Elsewhere, a new title is on the horizon from the band Her, a release by La Terre Tremble and several others that we're looking forward to over the next few weeks.
Live, there are dates by Vitalic around the UK, a tour by Gojira around the country and Francois and the Atlas Mountain begin their tour at the end of the month.
Meanwhile, this blog marks its birthday this month. How many years have we been here...? Wow!
There's no shortage of things happening. Hopefully this time in around four weeks we'll be looking back at a full month wort of posts.
You can get a hold of me at johnkilbrideAThotmailDOTcom, with the appropriate punctuation where you'd expect it to be. I'm always pleased to hear from record companies, PR companies and promoters, so do get in touch. I'm always keen to hear new things, and relay information about acts I already know and love.
The blog is also on Twitter as @viveleroq or you can find me at @karnag
If you're around Facebook, remember to like the French Music Podcast UK page, where you can get regular updates with both fresh and vintage French music.
Merci et à bientôt
John K