"Don't call it a comeback", to quote LL Cool J.
I know the VLR blog's been off the air for the best part of a month, and I can only apologise for this. One of the hassles of being a one-man operation is that if I'm ill I don't have any cover to work on the blog.
But now that I'm back on my feet, we can get back to business.
And there's plenty for us to cover. Hopefully we can make up for some of the lost time as well, and mention some of the things that have been going on in our absence too.
Other news? We've got some plans afoot. VLR has been going for a matter of years, and we're keen to take things to a new level and to branch out into other areas. I'll say more as things come together and hopefully this will be quite soon.
As always, you can contact us at johnkilbrideAThotmailDOTcom, with the appropriate punctuation where you'd expect it to be.
I'm always pleased to hear from record companies, PR companies and promoters, so do drop me an email. I'm always keen to hear new things, as well as passing on the latest about acts I already know and love.
The blog is also on Twitter as @viveleroq, although that's pretty much just an autofeed when we update with a new article. You can usually find me on my personal Twitter account quicker, @karnag
If you're around Facebook, remember to like the French Music Podcast UK page, where you can get regular updates with both fresh and vintage French music.
Thanks as always to the good folks at Oui Love Music From France for all their hard work introducing French acts to the international audience.
John K