Another month gets under way at Vive le Roq HQ, as we tidy up and smarten ourselves up again after the biggest number of visitors to the site in a month we've ever had.
Despite February being the shortest month, it's been the busiest one yet for the site.
While we've ratcheted up the number of stories produced, the number of visitors has gone up even more, so thanks again to all who have dropped by.
While the beginning of the year is traditionally a quiet one for releases, there has been plenty to keep me busy with award ceremonies and France's subsequent international triumph with The Artist. Add to this Madonna's new single - pretty much a Martin Solveig record that just features her vocals - being launched at the Superbowl, probably the US's most watched TV event, and the success of Justice and M83, there's no denying that French music is in a good place right now.
The award continue this month with the Victoires de la Musique coming up in the next couple of days, and more interesting releases coming up soon.
So it promises to be an interesting month ahead. Stick around and I'm sure we'll have somthing you'll enjoy.
As always I can be contacted by email on johnkilbrideAThotmailDOTcom. just change the words for the symbol or the dot.
Merci et à bientôt
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