Even I'm surprised by the amount of content I've been able to put on the site, perhaps down to better organisation or perhaps down to a huge amount of great things being released over the past weeks.
Most likely a bit of both.
Midway through the month November was already the month that had seen the largest number of articles this year.
And quietly, we passed another landmark, with 1,000 posts on viveleroq.com now under our belt.
That momentum has little sign of slowing, as it's just a few days until I'm over to Rennes for the Transmusicales Festival, and a complete immersion in some of the latest interesting sounds coming from France.
I'm be continuing my preview reports, and there will be reviews from the shows that I get too.
Obviously I won't be able to get to everything, remembering that the city also hosts the Bars en Trans festival at the same time, which sees dozens of acts play at bars and clubs around the city.
But that being said, I'll be doing my best and the past few weeks have seen me introduced to some wonderful new acts. I'm really looking forward to it.
Last year saw me introduced to bands like Moodoid and Fat Supper, Exp0, Le Vasco and Superets to name just a few. This year will hopefully be every bit as eye - and ear - opening.
Meanwhile, the relentless pre-Christmas release schedule continues, and live evente are taking place with Yelle and Stromae both playing in the UK over the next few days.
As always, I can be contacted on johnkilbrideAThotmailDOTcom, with the appropriate punctuation where you'd expect it to be. I'm always pleased to hear from record companies, PR companies and promoters, so do get in touch.
We're also on Twitter as @viveleroq or you can find me at @karnag
Thanks as always to the good people at the French Music Office in London and to the Institut francais in London for their help and encouragement.
Merci et à bientôt
John K
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