August was a quiet month in terms of content, but nothing that wasn't expected. France is after all pretty much on holiday in August.
OK so perhaps not as true as it once was, but there are certainly fewer releases coming out with more being held over until La Rentrée
As always as the month draws on there's a decision about whether to spend time on adding content for this month or thinking ahead to next month when there's more going on and planning for this instead.
While much of the festival season is over, Septemer still sees large scale events being held, with the Fête de l'Humanité in Paris. Meanwhile in Rennes, details will be announced for this year's Rencontres Trans Musicales in December.
As always, I can be contacted on johnkilbrideAThotmailDOTcom, with the appropriate punctuation where you'd expect it to be. I'm always pleased to hear from record companies, PR companies and promoters, so do get in touch.
We're also on Twitter as @viveleroq or you can find me at @karnag
Thanks again to the French Music Office in London and to the Institut francais in London for their help and encouragement.
Merci et à bientôt
John K
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