Dutronc dislays a sense of humour similar to that of his father, in that he is simulaneously a syle icon and a mocker of the idea of syle. The image of Dutronc in the headset is a nod to a portrait photo of Dutronc pere from 1970.
However, not only is the headset a bit more modern, but it seems that fish have also changed a bit in the intervening decades.
The song shows again that Dutronc, although continuing in the family business, is very much his own man. His gypsy guitar sound gives his work a signature sound that brings a traditional style into a modern context.
The video reminds me of some of the videos by Calvin Harris, although musically it probably could't be more different.
Dutronc's album came out in October 2011, and he's playing dates across France over the summer including festival dates in May, June, July and August.
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