We're into September, and La Rentrée kicks in like an autumn wind, blowing the last traces of summer from
skies and reminding us that colder days and night lile ahead.
Still, with the days drawing in there's more to listen to and write about, as the music industry gears to the end of the year with an increased number of releases, and more acts take to the road following the summer festival season.
This month sees Mylene Farmer begin her tour, probably one of the most anticipated tours in France this year.
In terms of the blog here, August was a reasonable month in terms of traffic, so if you've dropped by here for the first time, merci and bienvenue, if youv'e been before nice to see you again.
Perhaps it was a bit quieter than normal in terms of posts here, but we'll be cracking on with some great music that's been emerging from France
As always, I can be contacted on johnkilbrideAThotmailDOTcom, with the appropriate punctuation where you'd expect it to be.
We're also on Twitter as @viveleroq or you can find me at @karnag
Thanks again to the record companies and promoters who have been in touch, it's always very encouraging, thanks as always to the Institut francais in London and the French Music Office in London.
Merci et à bientôt
John K
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