I've been a fan of Sudden Death of Stars since I caught their debut album Getting Up, Going Down and it
was a real pleasure to catch them live in December in Rennes last year, one of the (many) highlights of the visit to the city during the Transmusicales and Bars en Trans events.
It doesn't get much better than a great band in a packed venue in front of a local crowd.
So I was looking forward to their new release, All Unrevealed Parts Of The Unknown, which came out last month on Ample Play Records. Although when you look forward to a release there's always a bit of a worry that it doesn't quite live up to expectations.
But no worries here, this collection hits the spot and more.
The Void opens with a languid early Pink Floyd feel, all sitars and wide spaces, but the's a more muscular garage vibe to other tracks.
It's a psychedelic collection for sure, but Sudden Death of Stars don't get too hung up on recreating the past.
Nor are they too worried about whether or not it's what the 2014 hipster feels they should be listening too either. It's playful and fun, exactly like it should be.
All Unrevealed Parts Of The Unknown stand as a colourful and imaginative work of any time, whether in the West Coast of the USA in 1965 or on the West Coast of France in 2015.
Time to get an order in for a copy on vinyl.
Fingers crossed that their next one is a double or triple vinyl full-on concept album.