Toulouse band - Comme Des Cherokees - lives up to my expectations.
It's their second album since they got back together again in 2011 and it proves that they remain every but as vital as before, and are hopefully back for good.
For a band as politically involved as Zebda, they don't get ideology get in the way of a good tune.
L'Envie kicks the album off in fine upbeat style , A suivre keeps up the pace.
Les Petits Pas has already wormed its way into the ear of anyone whose heard it and if this single came as a shock to those hearing its 70s disco vibe, it sounds perfectly in context here, there's a celebratory feel to everything here.
But it's not all froth, Zebda have lost none of their punch and retain their smartness and wit. There's plenty to get your teeth into here.
Zebda remain a band to treasure and this collection sees them at the top of their game.
I can't help but think how great these songs would sound live. If you get the chance to see them, be sure to let me know what I'm missing.
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