25 years have not lessened his place in the pantheon of artists, for many Gainsbourg is the only French musician they can name.
I have written about Gainsbourg many times, and inevitably will again. Despite listening to his work for decades I still find myself discovering work I wasn't previously aware of, whether collaborations, cinema or TV.
Possibly because he covered so much ground musically in his career, from jazz to rock, chanson to reggae, yéyé to funk, there always seens to be something new to discover in Gainsbourg's work.
Musical tributes to Gainsbourg are being paid across France, this weekend TV5Monde's Acoustic show presented versions by Jehro, Housse de Racket, Ariane Moffatt, Anne Sila, Ibeyi, Thomas Dutronc and others, all casting their own light on Gainsbourg, each revealing a different aspect of one of France's most treasured artists.
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