I was astonished to hear the Jacques Dutronc song Mini Mini Mini being used as the soundtrack for a new TV advert for Kleenex in the UK.
Never thought of a connection between either the song or Dutronc and paper tissues, but someone in advertising obviously spotted a link between a smaller box of tissues and a 60s French pop tune.
But any excuse for an airing of this classic to a UK audience is welcome. I'm sure plenty of people are now enjoying Dutronc for the first time.
Dutronc is at his finest here, both celebrating and mocking simultaneously with some clever wordplay and a great tune.
It's a wonderful 60s video as well, made all the funnier by the line at the end by his later wife Françoise Hardy that "In England everyone wears a mini skirt, even the Scots."
Bikini Machine, who we featured earlier on Vive le Roq, did a great cover on their 2005 Joue Dutronc album and there's also an interesting industrial rock version of the song by KMFDM on their 2005 Hau Ruck album.
TOTAL TRIVIA --- Jaques Dutronc's 'mini' song is used for an ad for Kleenex and his wife - Francoise Hardy once recorded the only song with the word Kleenex in it, the song being 'Comment te dire adieu'